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Wood gasifyer refines the bio fuel into a gaseous form, which can be used as a fuel for internal combustion engines. Only minor modifications are needed to adjust an automobile engine to run on wood gas. Wood gas contains about 20% carbon monoxide, 20 % hydrogen, 10 carbon dioxide and about 50% nitrogen from air. Gasification is effective means to refine fuel, since only 25% of the energy content of the fuel is lost during the process. In case of an accident, there is no extra danger caused by the gas, because the gas is produced as it is consumed and there is only little gas in the system.

Lincoln Mark V 1979 converted to run on wood gas. Practice and experience have shown that ease of maintain work and reliability of operation are the key features of a wood gas car.

Technical information:

*Engine 400 cid, 6,6 litres

*Top speed 110 km/h

*Cruising speed 100 km/h, 60 MPH

*Fuel demand 50 kg/100 km

*Operation distance 250 km (peat)

*Possible to use both peat and wood as a fuel

*Fuel expense 4€/100 km

*Service: Cleaning of the filter every 1000 km

Buick Le Sabre STW –83 was converted to run on wood gas in 1994. Adjustable gasifyer is capable to utilize various fuels.

*Operates on various wood and peat based fuels

*Both fabric filtration and scrubbing with water have been tested

*Adjustable furnace

*Experiments with different types of grates

This car has been in use from late 1994 – to autumn 2003. During this time car has been run about 80 000 km on wood gas.


Toyota Camry 2,0 GLI is a small, economical and very energy efficient car. This gasifyer is, perhaps, somewhat over dimensioned for this car. Because of low fuel consumption  it is possible to run well 500 km with one fuel filling.  Trailer has only very little influence on steering an of the car. Engine of this car provides very weak torque on idle, but power out put during drive is satisfactory for normal drive.

Top speed 95 km/h (on 4th -gear)

*Fuel consumption 20 kg/100 km

*Operating distance 500 km (on peat)

*Fuel expense 2 €/100 km

*Power on petrol 96 kW

*Manual 5 speed gearbox.

*Gas filter cleaning interval 2 000 km

*Energy consumption 1 kWh/km

Instruction book ”Construction instructions to built a mobile wood gasifyer” is available for those, who are thinking in serious a project of their own. Book contains drawings to built a wood gasifyer and required related parts to convert an automobile to run on wood gas. As cars are different, principles of dimensioning are included. Book contains in depth instructions, all at the scope of a private enthusiastic. Experiences gathered during the years have helped many people in their projects to built a really working wood gasifyers.